Selasa, 16 September 2014

Tanaman Hidroponik Muktisari Menjadi Langganan Beberapa Rumah Makan Ternama di Kota Banjar

Hydroponics  (English:  hydroponic ) is derived from the Greek words  hydro  meaning  water  and  ponos  , which means power. Hydroponics is also known as  soilless culture  or cultivation of  plants  without  soil . So it means the cultivation of hydroponic  plants  which utilize water  and without the use of  soil  as a  growing medium  or  soilless . Hydroponic techniques mostly done on a small scale as a hobby among the people of Indonesia. The selection of  plants  that will be cultivated  for commercial-scale enterprises must be considered, because not all crops of economic value. Types of plants that have high economic value to be cultivated in hydroponics are:
Plants selada

In the study of language, the word hydroponics comes from hydro meaning water and ponos meaning labor. So, has the sense of freely hydroponic farming techniques with emphasis on meeting the nutritional requirements of the plant, or in the sense of day-to-day farming without soil. From this definition it appears that the emergence of hydroponic farming techniques initiated by the increasing importance of human attention needs fertilizer for plants. \

Wherever the growth of a plant will continue to grow well when  nutrient  (nutrients) needed is always fulfilled. In this context the function of a  land  is to buffer  the plants  and  the water  there is the solvent  of nutrients , to then be absorbed by  plants . Mindset that eventually gave birth to the hydroponic farming techniques, where the emphasis was on meeting the needs of  nutrition . (Http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hidroponik).

Iran one of the residents Rt. 02 Rw. 04 Village Muktisari developing hydroponic crops that have successfully marketed their products to some famous Eating. Even in the future will continue to develop it to be centra hydroponic plants Banjar. Development and Enhancement products are not separated from the guidance and direction of the Department of Agriculture Headman Muktisari Banjar.